July 17 – Day 1 (Shawn)

It’s the end of day 1, and things couldn’t be better.  Seeing all my old friends has been such a blessing, especially Charles since he rode 16hrs+ just to see me for 2 hours!  The guys at Lacor Seminary are welcoming and easy to be around as always.  Erin is doing great on her first day in Africa; we did a fair amount but not too much that we’re tired.  I’m sure her head is spinning like mine was on my day 1 back in 2007. 

Having Erin here and seeing how everything is so new to her has made me realize how familiar life here has become to me.  Not that I am so particularly in the experience of daily life, but it’s familiar.  Seeing the Nile at Karuma was beautiful as ever but also welcoming; it sort of represents the gateway to Acholiland because once you hit Karuma, it’s not much farther at all until people start speaking the familiar Acholi.  Speaking of speaking, I really need to learn Acholi.  I think I can stop pretending that I won’t be coming back many more times, if that was the excuse I was using before.  Aceba has learned it so well. 

For the first time, I think I’m feeling a real permanence about this relationship between our parishes.  Even if I were to fall off the face of the earth, relationships would still go on and the “effort” wouldn’t die.  We talked today of the idea of planting an orchard in Padibe now, so that in 20 or 30 years when we are coming back for the 15th or 20th time, we’ll have fruit to eat that’s representative of a long term relationship that becomes fruitful with time.  I’d like to think Romano or Tommy could do the same in Milwaukee at THW when they come later this year.  Maybe we could make a tradition of it such that each time someone comes to one parish or the other, they would plant a fruit tree. 

Love to everyone at home; you’ve got to come here!!

1 comment to July 17 – Day 1 (Shawn)

  • Bob Schuelke

    Thank you Shawn for the update. Your insights into our relationship is quite remarkable and true. You two are an inspiration. Say hello to everyone realizing the whole parish has you and our Padibe sisters and brothers in our prayers.
    Gog Bless,

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