Dec 1, 2011

DAY 1 (NOTE: we have returned to the US now, but due to internet service were unable to post anything on the blog and will do our best now) Travelers included Rob, Mary & Peter Goodman, Dee Dee Pellegrin, and Vicki Solomon.

After traveling 23 hours we arrived in Entebbe at 2:15 am, Dec 1 and were met by our very good friend, Bob Okello who loaded our nine large suitcases along with five backpacks in the vehicle and of course six bodies. We made a quick trip through a pretty much dark Kamplala to our Hotel for a shower and a few hours sleep. Kampala and the rest of Uganda have been suffering many power outages and literally half of Kampala was without power. It is a great country if you are in the generator business as everyone who can afford it buys one for a back up. Oh, by the way, Uganda continues to sell electricity to Kenya. We said farewell to Kampala quickly in the morning and headed straight for Gulu, passing the White Nile just before reaching Gulu district. It is a very beautiful view of a powerful river, many rapids, and a small raging waterfall, and the road was full of monkeys, the species I cannot remember. But, it was a good introduction to the more natural side of Africa. for Mary and Peter’s first trip there. Fr. Romano has since told me that now there is a major game track re-developing at that site and elephants are now being seen. They are returning to their traditional routes that were closed to them during the twenty years of war. Progress, even for nature in the absence of the violence.
We had a wonderful dinner at Bob and Nighty Okello’s home even though after the flight, the short sleep at the hotel and the long drive we all felt more than slightly in the ozone. Many of Bob’s family came to dinner their three girls were a delight. Peter has always had a natural connection with children and it carried over to Uganda as the three girls were all over him, playing, talking and very much relating. This dad and his mother were quite proud of him.

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