Hi everyone – this is Erin Lange, member of Three Holy Women parish (and the only female in the picture above :)) with my first official blog post. I figure that I might as well get into the habit of writing on our website, as I plan to document our trip in its entirety in just a few short days, as well as introduce myself. I am an English teacher by day, yoga instructor by night, and an ever-evolving student of God. I have always felt a calling to see the world, to share the joy and love in my heart, and to learn from the lives and stories of others who are so very much like me but at the same time so different. Thanks to so may wonderful miracles and nudges from God, I find myself here, at Three Holy Women parish, one week away from departure as I head to Africa to help and learn from others – literally a dream come true. I cannot exactly articulate in words how grateful I am for all of the love, prayers, and support from friends, family, and parishioners that have all brought me to this very moment.
So, Shawn and I will be heading to Padibe this week Friday and, needless to say, the nerves surrounding this great journey are slowly lifting as I become more and more excited to meet the people of Padibe and see what exactly God is calling me to do there. It’s crazy to think that in approximately three weeks I will be back in my apartment, where I now sit, filled with memories, experiences, and connections to people who now seem so far away. I have been taking the day to pack and “ready” myself spiritually and physically before we head out. Amidst the confusion, I decided to take a break from packing and squeeze in a yoga/meditation class which was the answer to any remains of anxiety in my heart. The instructor started the class with a beautiful poem by Rabindranath Tagore that suggested we look at the world with “hungry eyes” to see all that we can while the light of the world is still upon us.
I realized during my practice that this is the state in which I want to arrive in Padibe – with hungry eyes. Open eyes. Present eyes. To see all that I see. To be present in this part of my life’s journey. To listen and hear God’s calling. To learn the perfect lessons He wants me to learn. To both give and receive. And so just five days away from my journey, I want to meditate on the silent, secure place within me that is able to confidently answer God’s call to bear fruit in His name. Today I pray for guidance and openness as I head into a journey unknown to me.
Those who wish to sit, shut their eyes,
and meditate to know if the world is true or false,
may do so. It’s their choice. But I meanwhile,
with hungry eyes that can’t be satisfied, shall
take a look at the world in broad daylight
to see all that I can while the light still lasts.
– Rabindranath Tagore
Dear Erin,
Now to see you in the picture. Thank you very much for your wonderful message. Congratulations for being a part of the Three Holy Women Golbal Solidarity. Thank you for your amazing courage and love for people that stirred your heart to take the journey to Uganda. You are now in Padibe!! Please, convey my greetings to everybody in Padibe. Apwoyo matek (thank you very much). Rubanga obed kwedwu (God be with you).Please, know that you are in my prayer everyday. Enjoy.
Sister M. R.
What a gift that you have been given, Erin! I know that you will devour all that you can with your hungry eyes. When you return, I’d love to talk with you as I just returned from a trip to Central America. I know my life is forever changed because of my experiences there. Godspeed to you…